My final challenge was to stay awake for 7 days and 6 nights. Initially I thought this would be an easy task. But when it hit the 4th day, all my energy was draned and I was too tired to stay awake. After failing I relized my place is in Uruk with my people. All of the challenges I have been through hummbled me and I want to be a better king and person.
I am seeking for immortality. I cant even comprehend the death of my best friend right now. I have to become immortal for my dear friend Enkidu and so I can live for a long time. If I become immortal I will be the best in the world and no one will be able to defeat me. Endkidu I will find immortality for you.  
At first GIlgamesh was a cocky king. He did not care for the people of Uruk, he would sleep around with any girl that caught his eye. He surrounded the city with high walls. He built magnifcent ziggurats for the gods. He lorded over his subjects and was very self centered. The events to happen in the future deffiently will change his outlook.
I am 2/3 god and 1/3 human. I am better than everyone around me but no one likes me. There is no one through out the land that can defeat me. I will destroy everyone in my path and take their kingdom. Everyone fears me when I come in to the city. 
When my friend died I was deeply sadened and did not know how to respond to this situation. Heart broken is the only word that comes to mind when I think about his death. So I promesed to myself and Enkidu that I would find immortatlity. I am afraid that I am partially to blame for the inncident. If I am to become immortal I am going to slay evey god that killed my best friend Enkidu.